Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The New Birth - Part 2

Our text for this concise study is found in the third chapter of John’s gospel.  Having examined the first verse, we have seen that Nicodemus was a religious leader. 

John 3:1 – “There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.”

The verse following reveals yet more information concerning this man Nicodemus. 

John 3:2 – “The same came to Jesus by night…”

For this post, it is necessary to consider why Nicodemus came to Jesus at night.  This point is important enough for John to record it.  No phrase in scripture is insignificant.  Every word of God is pure.  Every word recorded in holy writ is present with purpose, and the fact that Nicodemus came to Jesus at night is important enough for John to record the fact.  The one thing John does not tell is WHY Nicodemus came to Jesus by night.

Scholars have much to say as to the reason for Nicodemus’ midnight journey.  Some say that Nicodemus came at night because he feared that he would have been persecuted by his fellow religious Jews had he come to Christ openly.  Others have suggested that Nicodemus, being a religious leader, was very busy during the day, and therefore approached the Son of God at the dark side of the sunset.  While either of these propositions may divulge actuality, they are only speculations, for the scriptures do not tell us.  I suppose that if the commentators can offer their speculations, then it would be in order for me to offer mine.  I believe that Nicodemus came to Jesus by night because he had a hunger for God – a hunger so intense that it could not wait until morning.  No man who hungers for God like that needs to go without Him.  Jesus plainly stated, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

So, there are two things concerning Nicodemus that every reader should understand.  First, that he was religious; and second, his religion did not satisfy him.  There are many today who are in the same shape.  There are those who play with beads, pray to Mary, get their children sprinkled, confess to a priest, journey to Mecca, attend church every Sunday, read a Bible, and are left as empty as they can be. 

A pastor told me recently that he asked his son to find out how many religions there are in the world.  Figuring that there are probably hundreds, maybe a couple thousand, this pastor was shocked to find out that there are tens of thousands of religions in this world!  No wonder people are confused!  No wonder people who have an innate desire for religion stay away!  They do not even know where to start!  This ought to make every true born-again believer rejoice that he has found the only true way!  I am thankful to God for allowing the Holy Ghost to convict me of my sin, showing me undoubtedly that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God, and that every religion contrary to Jesus Christ is as false as it can be! 

Tens of thousands of religions!  Imagine that!  Many of them are full of ritual, ceremony, and creed.  Yet, when the demands of religions are fulfilled, the adherents are left desolate, empty, dry, hungry, thirsty, barren, unsatisfied, and lost.  How sad!  While most religions admit that mankind is lost, few religions offer any assurance to their adherents.  Most religions say that if you do this, do that, do the other, do, do, and do…hopefully you will be saved.  No wonder the world’s religious community is left empty!  Even in Christendom, you will find those who deviate from the true gospel.  They preach that salvation is attained by doing this, doing that, and doing the other.  Some preach that Christ will save you solely by His grace, but to “stay saved,” one must keep laws, keep commandments, pray every day, go to church, and so forth.  I have heard some preachers who have a long list to perform in order to “stay saved” that they can’t keep the list themselves! 

I have said it before in this blog, and I’ll say it again.  At the end of the day, there are only two religions: man’s religion, and God’s religion.  Man’s religion says, “Do;” God’s religion says, “Done.”  Man’s religion says, “Finish the work;” God’s religion says, “The work is finished!”  Jesus Christ came into the world to fulfil the law of God, which no man has ever been capable of keeping. 

Matthew 5:17 – “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.”

John 7:19 – “Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law? Why go ye about to kill me?”

Because He fulfilled the law of God Almighty perfectly, completely, and entirely, Jesus Christ was the only valid candidate to take my sins and yours upon Himself.  And He did just that.  He who was innocent as He could be went to the old rugged cross, and died upon it, paying off my sin and yours.  He completely paid the debt that you and I could never pay!  In man’s religion, man tries to save himself by keeping creeds, sacraments, and commandments.  In God’s religion, Jesus Christ is the Saviour, and He saves man completely apart from any works on man’s part.  This is God’s religion.  This is the “pure religion” that separates from the world and every false religion connected with it!

James 1:27 – “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

All other religions will leave you empty and hungry.  Nicodemus was religious, but not satisfied.  His religion left him so hungry that he had to get to Jesus that night – it couldn’t wait until morning!  I pray that your religion, if it is not centered on Jesus Christ, will make you so empty and hungry that you can no longer delay; you must come to Christ today!