Proverbs 14:34 – “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”
Make no mistake about it! I love America! I do not apologize; I do not take it back; I do not make such a proclamation with my head facing the ground! I get chills when I hear our national anthem. I cannot view our flag without thinking of the blood shed over the years to give us our freedom. I am thankful that God Almighty allowed me to be born and raised in the United States.
In our own nation, I have come across ministers who preach that it is a sin to be patriotic in any form. I have been acquainted with some ministers to object to those saluting a flag or honoring a veteran. The odd thing about it is – THEY WON’T MOVE! If the reader thinks that it is a sin to love America, why don’t you find a better country that you can love, and get out of here? I love this nation, and I’m not ashamed to say it!
In the scriptures, we find Daniel praying concerning the sins of his own people. Jeremiah is called the weeping prophet. Do you know why? It is not because he wept over the state of the Syrians; it is not because he shed tears over the conditions of the Chaldeans; it is because he poured out his tears over his own people! Moses stood in the presence of God Almighty, reasoning with God. Moses told the Lord that if the Lord was going to wipe Israel from existence, to destroy him also! He interceded for his own people. I hear people talk about “having a burden for the lost.” That’s nice. But it should start with loving your own people! How can you have a burning desire to reach the lost in Honduras and have no feeling whatsoever concerning your own people?
When I say, “I love America,” I am not saying that American people are better than any other people. I am not saying for a moment that I am a better man of God than anyone else because I’m American. I am not insinuating that God loves America more than He does anyone else. I do not saying that America is perfect. But I am declaring that I love the United States.
Righteousness Exalteth a Nation
Our nation is a great nation. We have a great history. Men and women risked their lives to come to a fresh continent where they would have the freedom to worship the God of the Bible out of the convictions of their own heart. Our founding fathers were at least God-fearing, and many were professing Christians. The Creator is found in MANY of our founding documents.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” – Declaration of Independence
“For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of the Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” – Declaration of Independence
“Our forefathers, inhabitants of the island of Great Britain, left their native land, to seek on these shores a residence for civil and religious freedom.” – Continental Congress’ Declaration on the Causes and Necessity for Taking Up Arms; July 6, 1775
“…the freedom of speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the slaughter.” – George Washington, making reference to Isaiah 53, a Biblical passage.
Many more founding documents could be cited, but let me go on. How about our national motto, “In God We Trust,” which is a testimony of our greatness as a nation? In 1864, the Congress of the United States of America approved adding “In God We Trust” to the two-cent coin. In 1908, legislation was passed and “In God We Trust” was mandatory on all coins. In 1955, “In God We Trust” became mandatory on all U.S. coins and paper currency. In 1956, “In God We Trust” became the national motto of the United States.*
Have you ever seen a flag-folding ceremony? There is much Christianity involved in it. The second fold symbolizes our belief in eternal life. The eleventh fold is for the Hebrew, or Jewish citizen, “and glorifies, in their eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” The twelfth and final fold is for the Christian, glorifying the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. “When the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost, reminding us of our national motto, ‘In God We Trust.’”*
Yes, our nation is great because it is founded upon the righteousness of the Bible. “Righteousness exalteth a nation.” America has been exalted because of her rich, godly heritage. I know there are goofy professors who want to place Islam on the same plain as Christianity, but it is not. Many Muslims have migrated to America; but few Christians are dying to get into Muslim countries. There is a good reason for this: Christianity has made the United States a great nation. Islam, on the other hand, has never made a single nation in the world great. I cannot think of one Muslim nation where people are dying to enter, as they do America. As a matter of fact, I do not know of one single person who has ever gone to a Muslim nation to spend a vacation (I’m not saying they don’t; I just do not know of any). Islam is not a Christian counterpart. Christianity makes nations great. Every day, radio talk show hosts brag about how capitalism has made America great. No, that’s not it. America is not great because of her capitalist system; America is great because of the God she has trusted in through the years. Show me a communist nation with greatness equating to that of America. No one can make such a claim, unless they are dishonest and possess a warped mind.
Sin is a Reproach to Any People!
While it is true that America has become great through her reverence of the God of the Bible, it is equally true that America’s departure from the God of the Bible will bring her down.
We live in dark times in our nation. The God of the Bible defines marriage as being between a man and his wife (Genesis 2). Yet, our nation, state by state, is shaking their fist in the face of God Almighty, calling Him a liar, and redefining marriage their own way. Sin is a reproach to any people.
The God of the Bible has stated that the baby in the womb is known by Him (Jeremiah 1). Yet, many in our day have responded to God that “the child is womb is nothing to us!” And then they brutally kill the baby, showing no mercy as the baby writhes in physical pain. Sin has reproached the United States!
All over the land today, the most important issue of many voters is the issue of the economy. It should not be this way. My number one concern for America is not that America’s families all become rich. We have worried about that entirely too much. AMERICA WAS GREATER WHEN SHE WAS POOR. She didn’t have the best material things in life, but she had priceless treasures. Family time was valued time. Divorce rates were much lower when America was righteous in the eyes of the God of the Bible. Suicide was rare. Children were brought up to become ladies and gentlemen. The Bible was the textbook in the public schools.
Friend, America needs a revival. Sin is a reproach to any people, and America has sinned! We have taken God Almighty out of the public square. The ACLU (a devilish organization which stands up for every rotten thing under the sun) sues companies wishing to display a manger scene at Christmas. Islam demands freedom of religion while it is soon to be a hate crime for Christians to preach parts of the Bible that condemn sin. Euthanasia is on the table for discussion as it has never been before! Politicians have not and cannot give us the revival we need. There is more corruption in Washington and in our states than ever before. America, when going to the polls, cares little about having a real leader in office; but only desires the man who can best pad their pocket books.
Listen to me! God Almighty is not about to put up with the trash in our nation forever! America will be humbled! Sin is a reproach to any people! The U.S. Supreme Court, once a noble institution, does not have the final say on abortion, gay rights, flag-burning, or any other issue. God Almighty’s word will be the last word! Mark it down. The God of the Bible will have the last and final say!
So, this Fourth of July, I will spend some time in prayer for our great nation. Though our nation is great, our sin has reproached us. America WILL fall to her knees again to petition the God of the Bible. The only question is – “Will it be too late?”
*God Bless America: Prayers and Reflections for our Country. Zondervan Publishing House. ©1999.