Friday, September 10, 2010

Make It as Sure as Ye Can

Matthew 27:65 - "Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can.

In the above text, Jesus has died. He has been taken off the cross and has been buried. His enemies remember what He said while He was living (though His own disciples did not) - "After three days I will rise again." His enemies, bearing this in mind, went to Pilate, the governor, to ask for a band of soldiers to guard the tomb. "This man's disciples may come and steal his body away," they claimed. So, Pilate gave them a band of soldiers with this admonition - "Make it as sure as ye can." It seems that Pilate knew that the band of soldiers sent to guard the corpse of Christ was pathetic and pitiful. But, he granted the request of Christ's enemies and told them, "Do the best you can."

Unbelievers today are still trying to deny the resurrection of Jesus Christ, discredit the Bible, and hinder the work of God Almighty Himself. Although their attempts are skimpy, they are "making it as sure as they can." It's not very sure. It won't hold up on the Day of Judgment. It won't stop God from doing what He will do. Yet, they continue to get their best forces together to destroy faith in Jesus Christ. However, when any man fights against God, this man's forces look like Iraqi's skimpy army going against the massive United States military. Let's look at a few attempts of the wicked to destroy Christ and all that pertains to Him, and we'll see how pathetic they are.

Stephen Hawking's Recent Stupidity
British Professor Stephen Hawking, one of Britain's most noted professor, was quoted recently giving his explanations on the origins of the universe. Let me give an EXACT QUOTE - "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." FROM NOTHING! This man believes that the universe was created BY ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I don't who you are - that's STUPID! Don't laugh, though. This is a quote from the atheists' best! This is a prominent professor of theirs! This is not one of their uneducated paupers on the streets of downtown Detroit; this is the VERY BEST THEY HAVE TO OFFER! And, rather than believing in a Creator who created the universe with nothing, for a specific purpose, they would rather believe that the massive amount of matter and order in the universe came from nothing! How pitiful!

NPR (National Public Radio) has been trying to figure out recently how humans became the dominant species. Again, instead of believing in an intelligent Being who created the world with a divine plan, they believe that over a period of BILLIONS OF YEARS, the human race evolved from primates. That is the most laughable theory I have ever heard. Evolution is philosophy, not science. It is not science because it has NEVER BEEN OBSERVED. No species has even been witnessed to evolve into another. No organism has ever been witnessed to reproduce another organism of a different species. IF IT HAS NOT BEEN OBSERVED, IT IS NOT SCIENCE. As laughable as it is, they are "making it as sure as they can." It's weak, but it's the best they have.

Their Pitiful Defenses Won't Change a Thing!
In Romans 3:3, 4 - "For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid. Yea, let God be true, and every man a liar."

Here, Paul asks the question, "What if some did not believe?" Then he asks, "Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?" His answer - God forbid! Absolutely not! Friend, you may choose to reject everything the Bible proclaims - but know this - your unbelief won't change a thing! You don't believe in God? It won't pull Him off the throne! You don't believe in hell? Not believing in hell won't put out the flames. You don't believe in a Day of Judgment? You'll reject it until you stand before God. You don't believe that Jesus Christ is coming again? It won't keep Him from coming. Go ahead - make it as sure as you can! Give it your best shot! That's what the band of soldiers did. They tried to keep Christ from coming out of the tomb. But out He came, and on the ground as dead men is where they were! Your stupid anti-God reasoning won't keep God from doing what God is going to do!